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Whether you own a small or big business in today’s age of technology, IT Support is something you can’t go without. Looking for an  information technology support company can sometimes be challenging, but focusing on the needs that suit your business best is the step in the right direction. Assuring a steady flow of revenue from your costumers to your company with less downtime on fixing problems when they occur is the goal, making your choice crucial to your business. So let’s go through a few things you’ll need to be aware of when making this important decision.

Which IT Support Company Benefits You By Size?

The size of your company plays a role in your choice. Depending on your plans for growth and expansion, at the end of the day choosing the biggest IT support company that you can afford isn’t always the solution. That being said they can offer a larger support on a corporate level as well as a wider span of expertise, but smaller companies can offer a more personal approach with a more intimate understanding of your business and technologies that you use, setting your company as a priority and making it more valuable to them.

Geographical Coverage Needed Within an IT Support Company

It is important to have geographical coverage when and if you choose to expand to a different continent, make sure that the IT Support Company you trust can do the same.

Choosing the Levels of IT Support

The levels of IT Support differ in price and offers that can suit your business in different ways depending on your budget. Some of them are as follows:

Managed Service Support - the support company will actively manage your system in thus minimising the chance of them crashing, which is usually offered as an annual contract.

Break and Fix support – Charged either hourly or offered as a fixed price contract somewhat like an insurance policy.

Pay as you go – Charged on an hourly basis, but in the long run becomes a more costly solution. And last but not least

Response Time. Have in prospect the guaranteed response time in case problems with your network do appear. Be cautious of companies guaranteeing a certain response time as it may take more time to get to the source of the problem than expected.

There are different options for different needs and budgets. With IT Support Companies you can go big or small, so weigh your pros and cons, do your research, be aware of what is on the market and you will find the one most suitable for you. Contact us now to find out more information regarding the best IT Support coverage that will best suit you.