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5 Reasons to be using Video as part of your Social Media Strategy

Video has fast become the most interactive part of social marketing with users much more likely to engage with a video post than a standard post.

Video gets more viewers than other content.

Video has been shown to drive more engagement than any other forms of content posts and this is across all social platforms

  • LinkedIn reports videos are shared 20x more than other content types
  • Facebook reports longer viewing time for videos against other posts
  • Twitter reports video as 6 times more likely to be tweeted

Video can drive sales

As video receives more engagement it stands to reason that you are able to push your sales messages, product or service benefits and increase and drive sales across social media platforms.

Video can build brand trust.

By using video for customer testimonials, training and product information you are able to build a more personal image which can build trust in your brand showing your expertise and why customers choose to partner with you.

Who else is using video?

Your competitor! Your competitors are more than likely to have embraced video and if they haven’t then it’s time to get in first and promote your brand.

Why use YouTube as a video channel?

YouTube allows you to create your own video channel link to and from your website. A YouTube video channel allows you to keep all your videos in one place as a source of information about, YOU, your products, brand, services, training, tips, testimonials and much more.

As YouTube is owned by Google then it also means that your videos may benefit from SEO as they can be shown in search results.

Making Videos.

It’s not as hard as you think to make professional looking promotional videos without huge costs. There are lots of services out there for video, but one I have found that is a great way to get started and try it out is Adobe Express.

When creating more in-depth promotional videos and videos such as customer testimonials it can be better to work with a professional for a more professional edited result.
