IT service in London by Tristar Tech Solutions

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IT Support in North London

When offering our IT services in North and West London, we understand that there is much more to fixing problems than just amending a computer error; our job is about understanding your IT needs and usage to provide effective ongoing solutions.

As such, at Tristar we offer a range of additional IT services to our clients in order to help them best achieve their business objectives. Below you will find a list of services which we offer in order to give you and your company complete coverage and confidence when it comes to your computer system.

Tristar’s Additional IT Services in North and West London

To read about each of our additional IT services in West and North London in more detail, simply follow the link:

Project Work

Our project work assistance allows our team to analyse your system and aid in making recommendations upon the undertaking of a new project, keeping disruption to a minimum and aiding with budgeting and planning.

Remote Working

Our remote working allows you to stay connected wherever you are; offering a remote server which allows you to create your virtual office, and ensuring that you can connect remotely to your emails so that you’re always in contact with your team.

Hardware and Software Supply

You can benefit from our Tristar experience and wealth of connections as we offer you a range of different hardware and software solutions to your bespoke system’s requirements.

Network Services

Our team will help protect your system from external viral attacks which can otherwise disable your network. Our specialist team has the wealth of experience that makes this possible and simultaneously helps to keep you abreast of the latest technological developments.

Online Back-up

Through aiding in storing your business’ data off-site, our team help to protect your invaluable and private business information securely – imagine storing your information in a nuclear bunker and you’ll get the image of just how seriously we take your data’s safety.

Software Licensing

Tristar’s team are here to help you; aiding you in keeping on top of your software licensing, and understanding the sometimes-confusing finer details is just one of the ways in which we strive to excel through providing our high quality customer service.

Disaster Recovery

Sometimes you cannot predict when data loss can occur, particularly through something as rare as a fire or theft. Our team can help instigate a system to make sure that such disasters don’t impact your company through loss of data and help to get you back on your feet as quickly as possible – we want to see your company back in action without any big disruptions.

E-mail Hosting

Our Tristar email management and website hosting servers offer a reliable platform from which to deliver your company’s IT services in North London and West London, providing you with complete peace of mind when it comes to your online performance. With hosted exchange solutions or our specialist Email Hosting Servers for you to start using today, this is a cost effective option for any company.

IT Disposal

Allow our disposal service to take the hassle out of recycling your hardware, guaranteeing safe and legal disposal of your IT systems.

Web Site Design

With over 15 years’ experience in generating traffic-converting business websites, our sister company are on hand to provide you with website hosting, domain name management and website design.

Contact Tristar Today for our North and West London IT Services

Our experienced team are waiting on hand to deliver our North London and West London IT services, aiding in taking away some of the associated stresses and offering you complete peace of mind. After 15 years we’ve built up the experience to make your lives easier, so don’t hesitate to get in touch. You can contact us on 0844 939 0333, where our friendly team of IT experts will be awaiting your call.


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